Standard Translation.
Simple text files translation, reports, articles and documents not containing technical vocabulary.
Specialized Translation.
Translation of specialized manuals, use instructions, policies, legal documents, contracts, etc.
Technical Translation of texts about medicine, psychology, architecture, mining activities, mechanics, legal, etc.
Web Site Translation.
Web Site Translation directly on HTML code. Graphic translation of the site; images, animations, forms, databases, etc.
Complex Files Translations.
Translation of difficult to edit file formats. PowerPoint, Excel, Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, Corel Draw, Macromedia Flash, Autocad, etc.
Artistic Translation.
Translation of books, novels, plays, cinema scripts, television, etc.
Product and Service Localization.
Becoming a global enterprise is one of the most important challenges that your organization will ever face. Localization is the process of adaptation of a product or service, for the product to look and fell like it was manufactured in the targeted country.
We translate reproducing the original idea and style with a great dose of creativity, making the final text flows and do not look like a translation.
We can adapt your products and services to Latin america markets.